The quote that keeps me moving forward and thinking about meeting the needs of the students in front of me is
"If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow" (Dewey, 1926) poignant now as it was almost a century ago!
The people.........
Barbara Cavanagh, @barbjcav Learning Leading Learning Principal at Albany Senior High School. Who could ask for a better principal? A truly inspiring leader who is passionate about growing teachers and leaders and providing opportunities based on someone's potential.
Grant Lichtman @GrantLichtman (thank you Steve Mouldey
for introducing me to The Falconer last year) and Grant sorry not to have had the chance to meet you whilst in NZ - and thank you soo much for taking the time to google hangout with my product design students last year. It meant so much to the students and made me realise that, digital gremlins aside, hanging out globally isn't that challenging and should be done far more often. Additionally, reading The Falconer set me on the path of recognising the importance of questions and questioning. The Future of K-12 Education is a regular in my inbox.

Tony Wagner - Creating Innovators. A great read and a site worth dipping into. Really resonates with what I've been exploring in terms of "4C's; Collaboration, Critical thinking, Communication and Creativity and the student led Impact Projects we run at ASHS

Nicole Price, @NicolePriceNZ Team Solutions, Technology Advisor - Auckland and Northland. - My go to person to check whether my risk-taking, wacky ideas are in line with meeting assessment requirements. Nicole thank you for your encouragement and support. You rock! Nicole can be found on google+
Other blogs/people I follow are:-
Bo Adams @boadams1 its about learning
Mary Cantwell Deep Design Thinking
Lisa Palmieri @Learn21Tech remake learning
Steve Mouldey @GeoMouldey and his blog
Mindshift and Edutopia
It's all very well being connected, being inspired and dreaming but for change to take place we have to just get on with it - "walk the talk".......and "seize the day"
Please note that all the musings in my posts are purely my own ideas and not that of my school and employer.